Tuesday, October 6, 2015


真没想到我踏入了一个不熟惜的环境开始生活。一个离家乡更远的地方。朋友都说我越走越远。在 kk 生活了一年半,又要说再见,感觉心情好复杂。好不容易才慢慢适应了那里的环境。好不容易才开始跟朋友熟,我就要离开了。很不舍得。唯一让我遗憾的是来不及跟他们更加熟。

感谢神在过去的一年半都不断的赐福给我和我家人。神的计划真的很奇妙。过去的一年半祂让我留在 kk 陪伴父母面对妈妈的不幸。现在终于告一段落,祂就让我在事业上有更进一步的发展。我和奇决定来新加坡工作。由于他先找到工作,我就变得很紧张。毕竟 kk 不是我的家乡。我习惯依赖的那个人又要比我早离开,我担心自己不知道该如何过那段日子。感谢主过不久我就找到工作了。只是比他迟两个月过来新加坡。在最后的那两个月,第一个月过得好无聊,时间多了好多,不知道该做些什么。但是到了第二个月,时间却过得很充实,视乎有个不想离开的感觉。

走的前一天在 kk 收拾行李的时候,我跟爸妈说,还好有你们在这里帮我收拾,不然我都不知道该怎么塞我的东西进行李。我妈回答我说,当然,样样都为妳预备好了。是真的。神样样都为我预备好了。祂安排我在新加坡找到一份工作,一个住的地方。祂为我安排离开 kk 之前,奇刚好为家事而回来,就能顺便帮我驾我的车回山打根。祂为我安排我走的前几天,我父母会去 kk 复诊。我就能陪他们复诊,同时他们也能帮我收拾行李。

kk 那段期间真的要感谢神的看顾与保守,感谢主放了这么多天使在我身边,尤其是奇和他家人。感谢他们的照顾以及关怀。



感谢青年们还有羽球队,让我在 kk 有个美好的回忆。



感谢 ZzZ,不断地在我生命中留下更多的色彩。


离开 kk 之前,妈说,“妳走之前我们一定要一起拍照,我发现我们很少两个人的照片。”结果就拍了这两张。xD


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Amazing Grace

End of this month marks my one year of work life in KK. Time flies. Moments of farewell with friends in Sandakan are still clear in my mind as if it was yesterday. Since it’s been quite some time since my last post, let me just summarise all the ups and downs in one post. It’s going to be a long post, so be ready. 

Being here for one year, although I knew it’s not going to be easy, I never thought there are so much more than hard. I need more time than a normal person would need to blend in. Lots of things happened in this one year. One unexpected thing was mom’s misfortune. However, I have to salute her for her strength in facing it. She is the unfortunate one, yet she is much stronger than anyone of us. Her faith in God is so strong. Thank God. God is looking after us every now and then. He has planned everything. Yes, I mean everything! His amazing grace is more than anything we could ever imagine. And how do we get this? Thank God it’s free! Just believe Him, that’s all.

We won’t realise all these until we look back one day and couldn’t stop thanking God about it. I feel like I was planned to come earlier to KK. After I settled down for like less than two months, the unexpected news came. Dad had to bring mom to KK hospital. It took them few weeks to discover the real problem. Mom had to move from one hospital to another. Due to her unusual case, she had been arranged to undergo operation without having to go through a long queue which is a common thing in government hospital. Her surgeon is one of the best doctors in Sabah, or Malaysia, I’m not really sure. She is a great person and she had gained prestige within the whole hospital. Thank God we’ve met her. In just around one and a half month, the operation was done successfully and mom will need to come back for treatment every month. Thank God treatment will end soon. During all these moments, God placed a lot of angels in our life. My aunt who stays in KK cooked almost every day for mom and dad. Sis was married the previous year and due to this, we’ve got new relatives who also stay in KK. This family sometimes cooked breakfast for mom and even lend his car to dad. Dad’s friend opened up one of his room for them to stay whenever they come back for treatment and that place is nearer to hospital which is really convenient. There were many other people who visited us, encouraged us, helped us and prayed for us. Thank God for all these angels in our life.

Coming to KK, it also means getting used to the work life with the plus-one. Things was not as easy as I thought. Any issue could possibly end up in an argument. We are still trying to get used to this life. Anyway, things are getting better now. I believe God will continue to lead our way.

Enough of stressful stories, let’s talk about happy moments. I had went to several trips last year. One of them was when 4 folks from Kuching came to visit me in KK. We went around KK and Kundasang. This triple trip was a short trip but we did enjoyed a lot, especially having steamboat at Kundasang.

Another trip was going to Taiwan. Till now, I still couldn’t believe I’d actually went to Taiwan. My same-mind-friend and I had been talking about it ever since we booked our tickets a year before the trip. The best thing of travelling with friends is when everyone has the same objective. We had lots of fun and learnt a lot of new things during the trip. Thank God everything went according to plan. It was really an unforgettable trip.

Next, it was the short Star Cruise trip with the plus-one celebrating our 5 years anniversary. Thank God for looking after us for the past 5 years. May God continue to bless us in everything we do, give us wisdom in facing any obstacles in our relationship. 

The last trip was road trip to Brunei and Miri with the plus-one’s family. Celebrated Christmas and birthday there.

During Chinese New Year, I went back to Sandakan for a week and had wonderful moments with family, relatives and friends. It is always the best to be home after being stressed out working and staying away from home for some time. It is a place where everyone understands you and cares for you. In addition, we have a new member this Chinese New Year, my little niece. She is so cute and adorable. Love her so much. Thank God for placing her in our family. May she grows healthily and happily in the arms of God.

Oh yea. Before I forget, I couldn’t left out this amazing day. It was last week when Danny and I went to Suria for a movie. The time when we were queueing up to buy tickets, there was a girl in front of us, she had reached the ticket counter, and then all of a sudden, she turned back and gave us a voucher which can be used for a free movie for one person. We was stunned, and we just thanked her. When we reached the counter, we asked the receptionist on how to get that voucher. She told us that the voucher is for sale where people buy and use it as a gift. We wonder why that girl didn’t use it but gave us instead. And so, we bought 2 tickets but paid for one person. Before the movie started, we planned to buy Yoyo. Danny went to the bank while I went to Yoyo alone. I ordered and paid for two drinks. After I got my drinks, I tried to check if it’s correct. Suddenly, one of my drinks dropped on the floor, the whole plastic cup burst. The drink was all over the floor. Feeling helpless, I queued up again planning to buy another cup. After a while, the Yoyo girl handed me another cup with the drink I ordered without needing to pay. I was stunned again and thanked her. It was an amazing day with amazing grace from God. 

So that’s conclude my one year summary. Thank you for your patience in reading this post.